Extraordinary Driver’s Licence WA

Often referred to as’ EDL’, an ‘E Licence’, ‘Work Licence’, or an Extraordinary Driver’s Licence is a driver’s licence that allows someone who has previously been disqualified from driving on the roads to drive under certain circumstances. For example:

  • you or someone in your family has no other practicable means of transport for getting to and from work;
  • it will take away the main source of earning money and cause an undue financial burden on you or your family;
  • to get urgent medical treatment.

Driver’s Licence can only be granted at the discretion of the court and involves strict conditions and tough penalties (if breached).

What conditions might be attached to my ‘EDL’?

The court can attach whatever conditions it thinks are appropriate. Some common conditions are:

  • the location where you can drive
  • the vehicle/s you can drive, or
  • having to keep a logbook of all the times you drive under your EL.
  • the days and hours which you can drive
  • the purposes for which you can drive (eg work or medical reasons)

Who can apply for an Extraordinary Driver’s Licence?

If you have a valid reason, you can apply for an Extraordinary Driver’s Licence, if you are under a court-imposed licence disqualification.

Here is a link for a helpful brochure regarding Extra Ordinary Driver’s Licence



Please contact us office if you require assistance with the Extra Ordinary Driver’s Licence Application.

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